Surah Ayatul Kursi With Urdu Translation Mp3 Download [BEST]
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Surah Ayatul Kursi With Urdu Translation Mp3 Download
Surah Ayatul Kursi is one of the most powerful and important verses of the Quran. It is the 255th verse of Surah al-Baqarah, the second and longest chapter of the Quran. Surah Ayatul Kursi describes the greatness and majesty of Allah, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise, and His throne that encompasses the heavens and the earth. It also affirms that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah, and that He is the Protector and Guardian of those who believe in Him.
Many Muslims recite Surah Ayatul Kursi regularly for protection, blessings, and peace of mind. It is also recommended to recite it after every obligatory prayer, before going to sleep, and when leaving the house. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi after every obligatory prayer, nothing will prevent him from entering Paradise except death." (Sunan Nasa'i)
If you want to listen to Surah Ayatul Kursi with Urdu translation, you can download it from various online sources. Here are some of the websites that offer Surah Ayatul Kursi with Urdu translation mp3 download:
Quranclick: This website offers a beautiful recitation of Surah Ayatul Kursi with Urdu translation by Sheikh Mishary Rashid Alafasy. You can also download other masnoon duain (supplications) from this website.
YouTube: This video features a clear and melodious recitation of Surah Ayatul Kursi with Urdu translation by Osama Azhar. You can also watch other videos of Quran recitation and translation on this channel.
Meri Web: This website provides Surah Ayatul Kursi with Urdu and English translation in text and audio format. You can also read about the benefits and virtues of Surah Ayatul Kursi on this website.
Quran Wazaif: This website offers Surah Ayatul Kursi with translation in Arabic, English, and Urdu in PDF and mp3 format. You can also find other Quranic wazaif (remedies) on this website.
We hope that you will benefit from listening to Surah Ayatul Kursi with Urdu translation mp3 download. May Allah bless you and protect you from all evils. Ameen.
Benefits of Surah Ayatul Kursi
Surah Ayatul Kursi is not only a verse of praise and glorification of Allah, but also a source of many benefits and blessings for the believers. Reciting Surah Ayatul Kursi daily can bring protection, peace, prosperity, and success in this life and the hereafter. Here are some of the benefits of Surah Ayatul Kursi that will leave you amazed:
Protection from evil: Surah Ayatul Kursi is a shield against the evil eye, shaitan, black magic, and other harms. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi after every obligatory prayer, nothing will prevent him from entering Paradise except death." (Sunan Nasa'i) He also said: "If one recites Ayatul Kursi before going to sleep, Allah will send an angel to come and look after him and protect him." (Bukhari)
Memory and intelligence: Surah Ayatul Kursi is a booster for the memory and intelligence of the reciter. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "These things increase one's memory: sweets, the meat of an animal which is slaughtered in an Islamic manner near the neck, lentils, cold bread and recitation of Ayatul Kursi." (Ibn Majah) He also said: "Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi in the morning, he will be endowed with a light till the evening; and whoever recites it in the evening, he will be endowed with a light till the morning." (Tirmidhi)
Success and prosperity: Surah Ayatul Kursi is a source of success and prosperity in this world and the next. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi after every obligatory prayer, his salat will be accepted, and he will remain in the protection of Allah until the next prayer." (Tabarani) He also said: "Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi after every fard salat will have nothing standing between him and his entering Paradise except death." (Nasa'i)
Cure and healing: Surah Ayatul Kursi is a cure and healing for various illnesses and diseases. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "There is no sickness that Allah has sent down except that He also has sent down its cure. Recite 'Allahu la ilaha illa huwal hayyul qayyum' (Ayatul Kursi)." (Bukhari) He also said: "When you visit a sick person or a dead person, say 'Allahu la ilaha illa huwal hayyul qayyum' (Ayatul Kursi), for it will remove his sorrow and grief." (Ibn Hibban)
Ticket to paradise: Surah Ayatul Kursi is a ticket to paradise for the reciter. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi at the end of every prayer, nothing will prevent him from entering paradise except that he should die." (Abu Dawud) He also said: "Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi after every prayer, there will be nothing standing between him and his entering paradise except death." (Nasa'i)
These are some of the benefits of Surah Ayatul Kursi that every Muslim should know and experience. Surah Ayatul Kursi is a treasure of knowledge, wisdom, guidance, mercy, and grace from Allah. We should recite it regularly with understanding and devotion, and seek its blessings in our lives. ec8f644aee