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Jews have been persecuted and killed for being Jews for thousands of years. Most recently millions were exterminated in WW2. In 1948 The Nation of Israel was born taking in the disposessed still left alive in Europe. Zionism was born. Now the Jews scatterd all over the world had a place to call home. The place most recognized with Jews. Judea, Nazareth, Galilee, Bethlahem, Jerusalem. Thier country the size of New Jersey. "the land of milk and honey" surrounded by militant muslims who are bent on distruction, death, Jihad against the "koffa" (ALL who do not believe or submit to Islam) Jews, Christians and athiests alike. So now they are backed into a corner, the threats have been made. Iran has said inside the UN no less "Iran will wipe Israel off the face of the map" My Question to all of you is. If Iran puts a nuke into Tel Aviv how long before we get our chance to experiance 10,000 degrees and WW3? 1e1e36bf2d