The quality of education should be raised at government institutions. Due to competition between private universities and schools, privatization will improve education quality. If the cost is fair, the privatization of education will be beneficial. Government should be in charge of private school and college tuition.
support a private institution
The quality of education will improve as a result of privatization.
The government finds it challenging to support all schools and colleges. Giving private individuals some responsibility is therefore preferable.
The competitive world will become more recognizable to the students.
Some private institutions refer their students to employers for positions in the business.
Against a private institution
Poor people are unable to pay the tuition at private institutions.
Some private institutions require students to just memorise the curriculum in order to succeed.
Even many in the middle classes struggle to pay for private higher education. It causes the number of higher professionals in India to decline.
Without sufficient information, some individuals purchase seats in private institutions, resulting in ineffective professionals like doctors and engineers.
Habib University
Habib University is one of the best liberal arts and sciences university of Pakistan offering bs computer science interdisciplinary education with a unique liberal core.